BSc BA ADP English Notes Poem New Year Resolutions (Elizabeth Sewell) Reference Context Explanation

BSc BA ADP English Notes Poem New Year Resolutions (Elizabeth Sewell) Reference Context Explanation

BSc BA English Notes Poem Reference New Year Resolutions (Elizabeth Sewell) Reference Context Explanation

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I will drain
Long draughts of quiet
As  purgation:

Twice daily
Who I am;

Will lie o' nights
In the bony arms
Of Reality and be comforted.

Elizabeth Sewell:

Elizabeth Sewell was born in India of English parents and schooled in England with a Degree in Modern Languages from Cambridge University. She visited the States in 1949 and became an American citizen in 1973. She now lives and works in States. She has visited Pakistan, and conducted a series of lectures on "Creative Writing" at Kinnaird College in 1988. She was given a National Award by the American Academy / Institute of Arts and Letters for her literary works.

Idea of Poems

New Year is traditionally the time of making resolutions of taking stock of our lives and resolving generally, to be better people. The poetess here makes an extraordinary resolution....that of facing and living with Reality. The "draining of long draughts" is generally associated with drinking wine. But here she is going to drink in quiet, as a means of cleansing herself. The nature of reality is uncomfortable; hence the use of the image of "bony arms"...but there will be comfort drawn from a resolution fulfilled.


These lines have been taken from the poem “New Year Resolutions”, written by Elizabeth Sewell.


This poem is about the New Year resolutions and promises. Another year has lapsed. On the start of the new year, the poetess takes stock of herself very realistically. She tries to make this world a better place by making new pledges. Her untraditional resolution is to face and lie with reality.


Lines: 1 – 3 

I will drain
Long draughts of quiet
As  purgation:

In these lines the poetess describes her mental state and the way she would drink to purify her soul. She says that she will drink wine at night secretly. She will have long draughts during night and will purge herself from all kinds of evils. This will assist her in helping other people because her own mind and spirit will be free from all types of evils. “Long draughts of Quiet” also suggests that she will keep quiet most of time. This will be the best means for the purification of her soul and it will help her in leading beneficial and successful life. She says; she will talk less and hear more and mould her life into betterment.

Lines 4 – 6 

Twice daily
Who I am;

In the given lines Elizabeth says, she will remember herself twice daily, in the evening and in the morning. She will take into consideration what her aim of creation is. She will try to understand the purpose of life in general. Perhaps she means that she should recognize herself, which will help her in recognizing God and leading life for benefit of others.

Lines 7 – 9 

Will lie o' nights
In the bony arms
Of Reality and be comforted.

These are concluding lines of the poem. Here, the poetess says she will accept reality. While, sleeping at night, she will consider the bitter reality of life. During the new year she will make some promises and pledges. She will sleep on thin, less-fleshy arms of reality. Accepting reality and facts is always a difficult thing, but she will accept it bravely. She will feel relieved and satisfied, when she comes to know that she has spent her life for the benefit of others. The image of bony arms is a hard reality. Even then she will get delight and feel comforted when she has fulfilled her promises and resolutions, she has made on the start of the new year.

Written By: Asad Hussain


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