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BSc BA ADP English Essay Science and Religion With Outline & Quotations

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Science and Religion

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1. Introduction

  • Scope of religion and science
  • Necessity of religion and science

2. Causes of clashes between religion and science

  • Fundamental causes
  • Domination in historical perspective

3. Differences

  • Difference in number of fields
  • Struggle between mind and matter

4. Points of correlation

  • Complementary nature
  • Material progress and spiritual bliss

5. Conclusion


“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” (Albert Einstein)

Science may be defined as systematic or formulated knowledge of anything. Science teaches us to take a purely objective view of life. It is free from personal bias or passions. The problems of science have a universal value. Therefore, the scientist who has to tackle them soon crosses the barriers of race, creed or colour and takes an objective and dispassionate attitude.

If faith is the stronghold of a religion, knowledge is the scientist’s passion. A scientist is, therefore, a futurist. He believes in a future when the whole life of man will be thoroughly mechanized and regulated according to the known laws of action and reaction. Organic Chemistry has given us many synthetic substitutes for natural products such as indigo, alizarin and rubber and hopes to give many more. It is now a handmaid to pharmacy and help the pharmacist or manufacturer of drugs to prepare many synthetic substitutes for glands in man. The present age is an age of communication, and the physicist uses electrical energy in cinematography and television. Wireless and television, the motor car, the airplane and the thermonuclear bomb, computer etc. as we all know, are some of the wonders of science. Again, remarkable advances have been recently made in both medicine and surgery. Diseases like pneumonia and diphtheria are in most cases are combated with success. Even such a fatal disease like cancer is treated by specially trained surgeons of Cancer institute with great confidence, while there have sprung up numerous sanatoria in our country on the model of famous Leysin Institute in Switzerland where successful cures are made. All such discoveries and inventions fill the heart of man with joy and his mind with faith in the possibilities of science.

“Science investigates, religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power, religion gives man wisdom which is control.: (M. Luther King)

It is often said that science is opposed to religion. At first sight and to a great extent the opposition between the two appears to be real. Science is found on reason. It is born of the sense and is bound by facts. Religion, on the other hand, is found on faith in dogmas: it believes in things that lie above and beyond the senses. Science is a thing of the mind: religion is a thing of the spirit. Many poets and philosophers have underlined the fundamental difference between science and religion.

The fact seems to be this that science and religion have different meanings in different minds and therefore, have different effects on different temperaments. To some weak minds, science is nothing but a means of material gain and comfort; such men believe in coal and electricity and expansion of trade and mistake them for eternal joy, peace and happiness in Europe, their name is legion. To some equally weak minds religion is nothing but correct observance of rites and ceremonies, they believe in increasing the number of places of worship and would be happy to see the whole world converted to one or other particular form of religion – their number, in Pakistan is legion.

Both the scientific materials and the religious fanatics have been sharply rebuked by Bernard Shaw. As Shaw says, if science solves one problem today, it raises ten others for tomorrow therefore, every scientist should in humility believe in the mysterious Life-force that governs everything on Earth. Again, as Shaw adds, if science tells different lies in different ages, religion sticks to one lie and repeats it in all ages. By this statement, he, of course, means that while in science, one theory is constantly replaced by another. Every religion is uniformly loyal to its dogmas; therefore, no single religion should claim to be the only religion of the world

Science assists the man, by showing the mysteries of the universe, to recognize the greatness of God. There have been many scientists who are famous for their spiritual attainments. In short, science and religion may justly be regarded as allies and friends.

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