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BCom Notes Part II Management Steps for improving the prospects of Management by Objectives
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Steps for improving the prospects of Management by Objectives
Describe the steps for improving the prospects or effectiveness of Management by Objectives. Steps for Improving the Prospects Or Effectiveness of Management by Objectives Application
1. Top Management Support and Commitment
Management by Objectives should be used by a strong power and authority structure, i.e. by the top management, so that “planning for work” may be rightly shifted to “planning for goals or results”. David Hampton says, “If you want to make Management by Objectives work, you must integrate it into the real systems of work and influence.” Management by Objectives must be considered a way of managing and not to an addition to the managerial job. Harold Koontz points out. “An effective program of managing by objectives must be woven into an entire pattern and style of managing. It cannot work as a separate technique standing alone.” In this whole content, top management support and commitment to management by objectives program is essential and vital.
2. Other Important Steps
Managers should be given adequate training in management by objectives philosophy and procedures before installing the system. For this purpose, adequate time and resources are required and therefore be arranged.
Necessary mechanism for making management by objectives program a success should devised and for this purpose the administrators of management by objectives program must be endowed with sufficient authority to punish and reward at their own levels.
Feedback should be made effective the more specific timely the feedback the more positive the effect.
Employee Participation should be made real and committed by properly motivating them.
Management by Objectives must be carried all the way down to the first line or supervisory level.
It should be seen that conflicting objectives are not set at any level and important non-quantifiable objectives are not brushed aside.
During the course of implementation of management by objectives the required redistribution of powers and status should be seriously considered so as to avoid all kinds of unnecessary infighting and negative conflicts.
Most of the limitations or weaknesses of management by objectives are not of formidable (uncontrollable) nature. Some minor adjustments in attitudes, initiative and determination on the part of the managers may overcome all the difficulties and pitfalls, which come in the way of management by objectives program. It appears from the widespread discussions and adoption of management of objectives concept in private and public enterprises that it has come to stay in the field of management.
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