BSc BA ADP English Essay Unemployment in Pakistan With Outline & Quotations

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Unemployment in Pakistan

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1. Introduction

  • Meaning and definition of Unemployment
  • Unemployment is a serious problem

2. Problems of unemployment

  • Joblessness creates many problems
  • Crime rate is increasing due to unemployment

3. Causes of unemployment

  • Ban of government on jobs
  • Poor management of the country's resources

4. How to overcome unemployment

  • Govt. must take steps
  • Need to spread technical training centers

5. Conclusion


"A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun". (Thomas Carlyle)

Unemployment is an economic term. Employment means occupation So unemployment means absence of employment. Unemployment is a serious problem. Many countries of the world are facing this problem. Pakistan is suffering badly from this curse. It has really wrecked the nerves of our youth, who despite requisite qualification are unable to find a job. Parents educate their children with the hope that after the completion of their education they will share the financial burden of their families. But all their hopes are shattered at the time when they come to know that securing a job in our country is a gigantic task.

Unemployment is not only a problem in itself but it leads to many other problems. A jobless person has no way out than to resort to theft, drugs, murder and suicides. He commits a new crime and becomes habitual to it. Similarly many of the jobless people seek refuge and mental peace in drugs. Dishonestly, corruption, crime, sin and vices of all kinds prevail in a society where population is unemployed on a large scale.

"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results". (Calvin Coolidge)

There are so many causes of unemployment. First, our system of education is wrong. The system turns out a peculiar type of young men. They hate manual labour. They are good for nothing, except reading books and dreaming off high posts. So educated people must be trained in such a way that they feel pride in every profession. Secondly, our country is not an industrial country. We cannot absorb many of our young men in factories, because they are not educated technically. So government should establish Technical Training Centers in every city of Pakistan. Thirdly, overpopulation is the biggest cause of unemployment. If our population goes on increasing at the present speed, all efforts of the Government to provide employment and food to the public will fail. So the increase in population should be checked by family planning. The government should make the people aware of the disadvantages of overpopulation. Fourthly, the biggest cause of unemployment is wrong distribution of opportunities. In our country few privileged persons are keeping all the key jobs. Government should provide loans to the youngsters to start their business. Planned distribution of opportunities should be ensured.

Unemployment is one of the greatest evils of the world. It may be called the mother of all crimes. There is need of struggle, national unity and patience to overcome this problem. It is only after a long time struggle that we can get rid of this evil.

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