BSc BA ADP English Essay Problem of Overpopulation With Outline & Quotations

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Problem of Overpopulation

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1. Introduction

  • Overpopulation is a burning problem all over the world
  • Nightmare phrases are listened everyday

2. Growth of population

  • Birthrate and Deathrate
  • Overpopulation brings shortage of food

3. Population in Pakistan

  • Everything shatters down due to overpopulation
  • Overpopulation brings many social, economical and global problems

4. How to control overpopulation

  • Awareness about small family
  • Change in living style

5. Conclusion


"A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must be eventually equal zero". ( Garrett Hardin)

Overpopulation is a burning problem all over the world. The under-developed and Third World Countries, in general, are over-crowded. The standard of living of their people is very low. We often hear the nightmarish phrases like: Population explosion, time bomb, population boom, population scourge and deluge of Earth Dwellers. There are constant cries and calls to grow more food, to increase production, to increase livestock, to create more war weapons, more machines, to add to the span of life; but what the world fears and condemns, is growth in population.

All living species multiply in course of time. The difference between birth-rate and death-rate determines the growth in population. Nothing succeeds like excess. Any living being including man, if allowed to reproduce without restrain, will soon inundate the whole world. Biologically populations are kept under check by positive checks, by limiting factors like food supply, diseases and war. The main argument against increase in population is decrease or shortage of food. Everyone must get minimum diet. According to the UNO report human beings are growing at the rate of 150 per minute or 80 million per year. If this growth is not checked, by the end of the century, each person will get one sq. yard to live on the globe.

In Pakistan the rate is rather higher. It is 3 % per year. It means the population will double in twenty years. It poses great danger to the economic development of the country. Over growth in population means fall in the standard of living of the people. It results in poverty, poor health services and low percentage off education. The government cannot cope with these allied problems. Food supply is not growing at the desired rate in spite of planning. The nation must feed 360000 new months per year.

"We are a plague on the Earth. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us". ( Sir David Aten Borough)

The overgrowth has also created the problem of unemployment. Poverty, lack of proper educational facilities and unemployment, here are resulted in increase in crimes-murders, hold ups, robberies and law and order problem. The increase has been caused not due to the growth in birth rate. The main cause of overgrowth is decrease in death rate due to advancement in medical and other related sciences. Better health and hygiene services are available to the people. In spite of family planning the government has failed to control and to limit the growth.

The reasons are more people are religious minded or conservative. The rural population is ignorant about birth control methods. Early marriages and charm of support in old age, contribute to the idea of big families. Change in living style can solve the problem to a great extent. 

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