BSc BA English Notes Idioms Part 4

BSc BA English Notes Idioms Part 4

BSc BA English Notes Idioms Part 4
61. Hold on
Meaning: To maintain grip, to continue to do something, to wait for something.
Sentence: Please hold on for a moment and let me find my notebook.

62. To get into a scrape
Meaning: to be in a difficult situation.
Sentence: We started to get into a scrape on account of our manager’s misconducts.

63. Confide to/in
Meaning: trusting someone.
Sentence: Sally always confided in her sister to discuss her personal problems.

64. At a stretch
Meaning: continuously; without stopping.
Sentence: We all had to do eight hours of duty at a stretch.

65. Dutch courage
Meaning: unusual or artificial courage arising from the influence of alcohol.
Sentence: It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman.

66. Lame duck
Meaning: one whose position or term of office will soon end.
Sentence: The President was a lame duck during the end of his second term.

67. Stick to
Meaning: to follow or continue with something without changing it.
Sentence: It is hard to stick to the schedule with this much work.

68. Stand out
Meaning: to be easily seen or noticed.
Sentence: Our school simply stands out as an excellent school among many others.

69. Run out
Meaning: to have no more of something.
Sentence: We can not cook today; we have run out of salt and spices.

70. Carry weight
Meaning: having importance and influence.
Sentence: Her opinion carries a lot of weight with the boss.

71. Break out
Meaning: Start abruptly.
Sentence: Pimples started to break out upon his face as a result of infection.

72. Get through
Meaning: to penetrate something.
Sentence: We could not get through the concrete with a drill because it was so hard.

73. Get over
Meaning: to start to feel happy after something bad.
Sentence: It can take weeks to get over an illness like this.

74. Make for
Meaning: to help to make something possible.
Sentence: The new computers make for much greater productivity.

75. Apple pie order
Meaning: in very good order; very well organized.
Sentence: It is good habit to put everything in apple-pie order before leaving the office.

76. At a loss
Meaning: unable to speak; speechless.
Sentence: I was so surprised that I was at a loss for words.

77. Face the music
Meaning: to receive punishment.
Sentence: After failing a math test, Frank had to go home and face the music.

78. Small talk
Meaning: light conversation for social occasions.
Sentence: We had a small talk before the dinner started.

79. Work wonder
Meaning: to achieve unbelievable fine results.
Sentence: These pills worked wonder I am feeling well now.

80. Break down
Meaning: destroy, collapse, to divide into pieces.
Sentence: We broke down our syllabus into small chapters for preparation.

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